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By Creation Moments A number of species of fish live, apparently comfortably, in Antarctic waters as cold as the freezing temperature of sea water, which is a couple of degrees colder than fresh water. This presents us with several mysteries. First, cold slows down the chemistry necessary for life. At these temperatures, life’s chemistry all but stops. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) If you’re not favoring organic, chemical-free personal care product choices or natural solutions whenever possible, you (quite frankly) are probably raising your risk for getting cancer. Research out of the University of Cambridge has verified the link between toxic chemicals called aldehydes, the destruction of DNA repair mechanisms and a higher risk of cancer due to their effects at the cellular level. Aldehydes are known cancer-causing substances that have become increasingly pervasive in our modern living environment. In addition to being found in a range of …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) “Giving up junk food.” “Getting off the sofa.” “Quitting smoking.” These are the common, and beneficial, lifestyle changes that many people adopt when they become serious about avoiding heart disease and cancer. But, what about poor oral health? (does your doctor appreciate the danger?) I understand: making an appointment with a licensed dental hygienist just doesn’t have the same sense of urgency as seeing your cardiologist for a checkup – but, maybe it should. When it comes to preventing chronic, life-threatening diseases, maintaining good oral health …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Admin I am someone who loves spending time in the garden, and I am far from being the only one! Millions of people all over the world have taken up gardening as a hobby for a variety of different reasons. One reason for gardening that is less well-known is that it is very healthy for us! […] The post Health Benefits from Your Garden appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Source: undergroundhealth.com     
Four years into their marriage, Chris turned his back on God and his marriage to Stephanie. After their divorce, Stephanie continued to pray for him and their reconciliation.
On his way to becoming another statistic, Anthony discovered the love of the Father in a drug treatment program.
George was mentored from an early age to be a criminal, but the life of crime and drug addiction eventually left him hopeless.
Alphonza’s love of money drove him to deal drugs. After years of being in and out of jail, he was facing serious time in prison when he called out to Jesus.
Joey thought his job at an auto parts factory would be the perfect cover for his criminal lifestyle, but he wasn’t expecting his coworkers to be Christians.
Television news anchor battles depression and alcoholism in secret for decades before finally disappearing from the airwaves, barely clinging to life.
Michael’s lifetime of passion for Eastern philosophies and religions is reversed by the power of God at a Billy Graham crusade.
Abused and desperate for love, Brian and Heather lived in constant fear of their fathers. Their brokenness brought them together and twenty years later, they were made whole.
Gang life leads to prison where Tommie meets his redeemer.
Grace’s childhood was a mess of drugs, gang activity and the death of her sister. She learned to cope with hopelessness the same way her family did until a car accident nearly claimed her life.
By Creation Moments Several different animals communicate on a limited basis with one another. But human speech is unique, leaving those who believe in evolution perplexed. The very oldest human fossils show the bony structures needed to support speech. Evolutionists will admit, in a candid moment, that they have no idea how speech could have evolved. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
Years after her knee replacement, Faye began experiencing debilitating hip pain. Doctors couldn’t find anything wrong, but she longed to return to her favorite activities
Gordon didn’t expect to survive when a speeding car hit him head on. But after a mysterious encounter at the scene, doctors were shocked at Gordon’s condition.
Kammy thought she would find love and acceptance through partying, but soon found herself with no one to turn to.
Jessica made sure her life looked perfect on the outside, but deep down she knew she needed help to escape the addiction that threatened to ruin her life.
After a boy’s perfect life is shattered by divorce, he turns to drugs and homosexuality. When he learned he was HIV positive, he turned to his Christian mother for help.
The loss of her high-paying career, her marriage and her father pushed Martha to a point of desperation where she cried out to God for help in both her spiritual and physical life.
A form of Muscular Dystrophy hindered Elizabeth’s mobility for 30 years. She prayed for healing, but after so long, she began to doubt that it would actually happen.
A serious bronchial infection left Carole with terrible pain in her back. This, coupled with the death of her siblings, diminished her hope for healing.
By Julie Fidler Endometrial cancer, otherwise known as uterine cancer, is the fourth most common cancer in women in high-income countries, including the United States, Canada, and Australia. There’s no shortage of things you shouldn’t do if you want to avoid cancer, such as using tobacco or drinking alcohol. As some research points out, another thing women can do to lower their risk of endometrial cancer is to breastfeed their babies. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that women exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months of their child’s life and then continue to do so after introducing solid food [More]
Doctors couldn’t offer a fix to the neck pain that plagued Sarah for 20 years. The pain began to increase, and Sarah was left with only one option.
Stewart was confused when God didn’t fix his parents’ divorce, and began relying on himself for a good life. Then the real estate crash of 2007 destroyed everything, and he didn’t know how to pick up the pieces.
He squandered millions of his earnings and ended his playing career battling alcoholism. Today, Vin Baker is writing a new chapter in his life that reminds us to never lose hope.