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By Dr. Serge Gregoire I used to have severe reactions to fragrances and many other chemicals in our air. I was practically allergic to everything, including lots of foods and pollen (1). For a while there, I was housebound. First, I bought an air purifier that had a filter made of coconut shell carbon and zeolite. It helped dramatically. I filtered my water for drinking and bathing too. Next, I eliminated household chemical cleaners, pesticides, all lawn care chemicals and replaced with healthier alternatives. I found natural body care products. Then, I realized that chemical sensitivities are developed because the [More]
By Hesh Goldstein We are living in a time that makes great demands upon our efforts to keep healthy through a well-managed dietary program. With all the devitalized and synthetic foodstuffs at our disposal, it is often very difficult to obtain the necessary natural foods that will keep our bodies in good health. Millions of hard-earned dollars are being wasted by way of our mouths. All of us are hungry for those necessary requirements that our “All-Knowing” Creator designed our bodies to have, to maintain a healthy, vigorous and responsive body. We can no longer depend upon nature alone to [More]
By olivia Recognition is something every community craves for. And, while not every city can become the next Silicon Valley, Tampa is striving to make its mark elsewhere – namely the healthcare industry. The Tampa Bay region hopes to become a market leader by 2023 (Source: www.abcactionnews.com), and considering that healthcare earnings in the state grew by $3.75 billion in 2015, this does not seem like an improbability (Source: www.tampabay.com). What this means is, Tampa residents will be spoilt for choice when it comes to healthcare options in the coming years. In fact, the city already has a strong network [More]
By Creation Moments As a child in the 60s, going for a meal at my Godmother’s house was a fascinating experience. In those days, many families would get out the best dinnerware for such occasions, and would probably provide napkins—or serviettes as we called them.. But my Godmother would fold the paper serviettes into swans, rabbits and all manner of beautiful objects. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Heather Callaghan Don’t have a green thumb? Try out this low-maintenance and high-yield technique. The number of Americans producing their own fruits and vegetables has increased more than 25 percent since 2008,… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
3 Christians Tell Their Stories You may have heard that persecution in Egypt is on the rise. 4 major incidents landed in the news when extremists carried out attacks on 3 churches and a bus of Christians, killing over a hundred believers. But media coverage of these tragedies often focuses on the basics–the who, what, where, when, and why–without taking the time to tell the stories of how these events impact other Christians in Egypt. Below are 3 such stories. Read More: 3 Lessons from the Persecuted Church in Egypt – Open Doors USA
When Culture and Marriage Clash When 23 year-old Sameda decided to accept a local man’s proposal, she was sure it was a good decision. “I married Rashid because he seemed to me a good man. Initially we were very happy until he became more interested about my faith. I did not hide the fact that I am a Christian and told him that God touched my life one day.” After this conversation where Sameda shared her faith, she says things changed. Although Sameda’s faith had not bothered Rashid previously, her husband’s parents began to influence his ideas about her over [More]
“Lord, Lord, please help!” When Hannah Cho was a child growing up in North Korea, she had no idea how important this phrase–often repeated in her mother’s prayers–would become to her. Nor did she have any idea how many times future hardship would prompt her to utter the words herself. The one thing she did know is that her mom was devoted to Jesus even amidst hardship. A Heritage of Faith in Hardship Read More: The Only Prayer They Knew: Lord, Lord, Please Help! – Open Doors USA
By Ken Ham At Answers in Genesis we want to reach everyone with the gospel and the message of biblical authority. That’s why we host Deaf Day at the Creation Museum each year in Northern Kentucky. This year, Deaf Day is October 14, 2017, and at the Ark Encounter on October 15, 2017! For Deaf Day, the museum’s shows, presentations, and special programs will all be captioned or interpreted in American Sign Language (ASL). ASL interpretation will also be provided through the museum, and there will be a special Deaf-led presentation on dinosaurs and the Bible. Deaf or …read more [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you plan on making a salad, some kind of soup or a savory stir-fry, onions will most likely be part of the equation. You might also slice them into rings to place on sandwiches, or sauté them gently in coconut oil or grass fed butter until they’re soft, translucent and absolutely delicious. But something else may be likely as well: When you’re cutting or chopping them, before you get very far into the first onion, you’re very likely to find your nose twitching and tears making your eyes smart. Medical News Today suggests [More]
By Dr. Mercola What Is Lovage Oil? Lovage oil is derived from both the roots and the leaves of the lovage plant (Levisticum officinale), a hardy, herbaceous perennial native to southern parts of Europe. Also called bastard celery in France and love parsley in England, lovage can grow up to 2 meters (6 feet) in height and resembles other umbellifers such as fennel, coriander and parsley, with large umbels of yellow-green flowers with seeds. Depending on whether the roots are fresh or dried at the time of distillation, lovage oil can be yellow or dark brown in color. It’s quite [More]
By Frances Bloomfield (Natural News) Has your cheese gone past …read more Source: Natural News     
By Ken Ham Is Jesus not welcome in Australian government-run schools? Australian media, including the national newspaper The Australian, are carrying stories about an education policy in the schools of Queensland that is extremely disturbing. This report states, “Queensland education officials have moved to ban references to Jesus in the primary school yard, with an unofficial policy that takes . . . aim at junior evangelists,” is how The Australian reports on a new move by the state’s Education Department. The minister of education, however, is quoted as saying: Ms Jones said the Palaszczuk Government supported religious instruction in state [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Most people are aware that chemotherapy, a primary cancer treatment, can cause harsh chemotherapy side effects. However, now research by Tsonwin Hai and his team of scientists is showing that chemotherapy can actually trigger cellular responses that lead to the spread of more cancer in adjacent areas. Breast cancer survival rates have been improving in recent years. However, this news that chemotherapy can actually promote the spread of cancer would make it by far one of the most disturbing chemotherapy side effects ever documented. Common chemotherapy treatment …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
Perhaps their brain-like shape should have been a giveaway. Scientists in Boston have shown that eating walnuts lights up a part of the brain associated with hunger and cravings. The good news is that instead of making us crave calories, walnuts appear to help make us feel full. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Ken Ham Jerry Coyne, an ardent atheist and evolutionist, caused waves recently with his blog post entitled, “Should One Be Allowed to Euthanize Severely Deformed or Doomed Newborns?” His blog answered this question with a resounding “yes,” sparking outrage and disgust. Although we certainly wouldn’t agree with Coyne’s conclusions, the logic of his argument makes sense in light of his naturalistic evolutionary/secular worldview. Abortion, Infanticide, and Inconsistent Outrage Coyne writes, If you are allowed to abort a fetus that has a severe genetic defect, microcephaly, spina bifida, or so on, then why aren’t you able to euthanize that same [More]
By REALdeal Source: Here’s What a Kid Who Has Never Eaten a Gram of Sugar in Her Life Looks Like Today For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Grace Cooper is 2 and a half years old right now and she has never eaten a gram of processed sugar in her life! … Source: Here’s What a Kid Who Has Never Eaten a Gram of Sugar in Her Life Looks Like Today Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By Julie Fidler About 90% of all lung cancers are caused by cigarette smoking. Smoking kills 7 million people a year, speeds aging, destroys the heart and cardiovascular system, and leads to asthma and COPD. But cigarettes don’t just wreak havoc on the human body; they also wreak havoc on the environment through deforestation, pollution, and littering. [1] [2] In May, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a study detailing the environmental costs of tobacco, adding to the mind-blowing $1.4 trillion in healthcare costs and lost productivity. The report looks at the immediate environmental damage caused by tobacco consumption, as [More]
Researchers in Finland have found that when you’re working out, the level of endoprhins released in the brain directly correlates to the intensity of exercise you’re doing. That’s a good thing for people doing high intensity interval training, or HIIT, because HIIT can be miserable. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
A vague and dangerous ideology. There is currently, on the streets, smashing storefronts and setting things on fire, a group called “Antifa,” for “anti-fascist.” Antifa are not a new phenomenon; they surfaced during the Occupy movement, and during the anti-globalization protests of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Antifa movements began in early-20th-century Europe, when fascism was a concrete and urgent concern, and they remain active on the Continent. Lately, Antifa have emerged as the militant fringe of #TheResistance against Donald Trump — who, they maintain, is a fascist, ushering into power a fascist regime. In Washington, D.C., Antifa spent [More]
By Creation Moments Could the stuff of science fiction be a reality in the outer reaches of our Solar System? As a boy, I read two sci-fi novels, which proposed that the planet Venus was covered in ocean: Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus, by atheist writer Isaac Asimov (published in 1954 under the pseudonym Paul French) and Perelandra (1943), by Christian writer C.S. Lewis. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) “Giving up junk food.” “Getting off the sofa.” “Quitting smoking.” These are the common, and beneficial, lifestyle changes that many people adopt when they become serious about avoiding heart disease and cancer. But, what about poor oral health? (does your doctor appreciate the danger?) I understand: making an appointment with a licensed dental hygienist just doesn’t have the same sense of urgency as seeing your cardiologist for a checkup – but, maybe it should. When it comes to preventing chronic, life-threatening diseases, maintaining good oral health …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) Do you struggle with weight loss? Are you dealing with depression, anxiety or chronic fatigue? These are just a few of the symptoms related to a thyroid disorder. And, if left untreated properly, this will increase your risk of cancer. If you think I’m overstating the problem … just look at these alarming numbers being reported by the National Cancer Institute. (below) Over 62,000 new cases of thyroid cancer were diagnosed in 2015, and that’s a nearly 40 percent increase over 2010 numbers. Worldwide, a staggering 200 million people have …read more Source: Natural Health 365 [More]
By Ken Ham Looking for the adventure of a lifetime and a one-of-a-kind experience? Well, I would highly recommend a raft trip down the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon with our friends at Canyon Ministries and Answers in Genesis. These trips combine adrenaline rushes with camping under the stars, exploring God’s beautiful creation, and creation apologetics teaching in the most amazing classroom—the Grand Canyon! In all my travels, none have been as exciting or educational as my Grand Canyon trip. These trips include white water rafting down the Colorado River, North America’s biggest whitewater; daily hikes in gorgeous side [More]
By Lindsay Sheehan The old-timey technique of saving seeds from one growing season to the next is practical, self-sufficient, and pennywise. Not only will you never need to purchase another packet of seeds again, harvesting seeds from a tasty fruit or vegetable that you know grows well in your yard means you can grow it year after year. If you’ve ever felt the pain and disappointment upon seeing that your favorite cultivars have been discontinued by the seed company, saving seeds can be priceless! Moreover, saving seeds helps preserve genetic diversity. Our dependence on commercial varieties has caused thousands of [More]
By Avery Foley Steve Chalke argued that ancient erotic art from Pompeii shows New Testament verses used to label same-sex activity as sinful were not doing so. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Allergies are your body’s reaction to a protein (allergen) and are a sign your immune system is working overtime. According to the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America,1 nasal allergies affect nearly 50 million people in the U.S., and that number is growing. As many as 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of children suffer from allergic diseases, including asthma. These conditions are the fifth leading chronic disease in the U.S. and the third chronic disease in children under 18. In 2010, Americans with allergic rhinitis spent nearly $17.5 billion on health care [More]