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By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) A study conducted as a joint effort between the Yale University School of Medicine and the Penn State University College of Medicine recently examined the relationship between childhood vaccination and vaccine side effects. Specifically, a epidemiologic analysis was conducted to look at vaccination, neuropsychiatry and the likelihood of developing various neurological disorders. The conditions searched for in the analysis included OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), anxiety disorders, anorexia nervosa (AN), ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), major depressive disorder, chronic tic disorder and bipolar disorder. Alarming links found between vaccination …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola While largely unknown and rarely discussed, there’s evidence to suggest a significant percentage of the diseases we now face is related to electromagnetic interference (EMI), so-called “dirty electricity,” and microwave radiation from cellphones, routers, portable phones, smart meters and more. In a nutshell, these kinds of exposures impact your biology, specifically your mitochondrial function, which we’ve now come to appreciate is at the heart of virtually all chronic disease. Sunlight is a natural or native form of electromagnetic frequency (EMF), and this type of EMF exposure is not only healthy but a vital part [More]
By Dr. David Menton Almost from the beginning, evolutionists have attempted to equate the process of evolution with the progressive development of the embryo. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Mike Barrett Mondelez International, the parent company of the Triscuit brand, announced August 7, 2017 in a news release that it has switched its entire portfolio to the Non-GMO Verified Certification. The move was made in response to the growing demand from buyers for wholesome food products free of genetically-modified ingredients. [1] [2] The Non-GMO Project is the #1 leading independent verifier of non-GMO foods in the United States, as well as the only third-party non-GMO verification system in the country. [2] Kailey Clark, Brand Manager, Triscuit North America, said: “The Triscuit brand has evolved throughout its 100-plus-year history [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Bone fracture due to osteoporosis is a leading cause of disability in the aging population. Naturally, as you know, calcium and vitamin D tend to play a crucial role in maintaining bone health as we age. However, the role and health benefits of magnesium supplementation could be essential to bone health as well, according to researchers. Scientists have known for some time that magnesium is an essential nutrient and component of bone health; however, until this current research, no study has demonstrated its effect on …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell We’ve all heard that, compared to mammalian animals like dogs, humans have a poor sense of smell. Did you know that this notion is a 19th century myth? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By none The word “hummus” is literally the direct translation of the Arab word for chickpeas. It’s believed that hummus goes back hundreds of years ago, with the earliest confirmed source dating back to 13th-century cookbooks.[i] Many countries claim to have created hummus, but the exact origin has been lost. Today, nations such as Turkey, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt enjoy hummus as an important part of their cuisine and diet.[ii] If you haven’t tried hummus yet, it’s a great way to get more flavor from your other foods. Furthermore, it’s a gluten-free dish,[iii] which can help you avoid the health [More]
By Michael By Claire Bernish As a shift toward authoritarianism in Western governance finds civilians increasingly at the mercy of liberty-robbing laws, punitive (in)justice, and state control, our individual… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Hesh Goldstein Heart disease is the number one killer in civilized nations with evidence clearly showing that the incidence of heart disease is directly related to our abnormal dietary habits through the SAD (Standard American Diet). Wherever people live on a diet high in refined carbohydrates and animal fats, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, arthrosclerosis, angina, and other degenerative heart changes occur most frequently. A great deal of confusion exists about the role of animal fats as one of the causes of heart disease. Until the early 70s it was a commonly accepted assumption that excess consumption of the saturated [More]
By Creation Moments Do spiny lobsters know that they are a delicacy to many, if not most, of the carnivores on earth? New research into the social habits of spiny lobsters shows that much of their interaction with each other is based on the fact that they have learned to cooperate in order to survive their many predators. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Blueberries are rapidly becoming the darling of nutritionists, physicians and researchers for their power to minimize age-related cognitive decline. Now, recent research from Florida State University strongly suggests that they may have another superpower: the ability to help prevent heart disease. The power of healthy nutrition revealed: a study conducted on postmenopausal women showed that as little as one cup of blueberries a day reduced risk factors for cardiovascular disease by lowering blood pressure and reversing arterial stiffness. Why is this research on blueberries so significant? The study, …read more Source: Natural Health 365 [More]
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls water fluoridation – the addition of industrial-grade fluoride to community water supplies – “one of the top ten public health achievements of the 20th century.” But, pioneering biological dentist Dr. David Kennedy has another term for it: “a public health fraud.” No doubt, adding fluoride to the public water supply is actually one of the greatest crimes against humanity. (keep reading to find out why) And Dr. Kennedy is not alone. With fluoridated water linked to …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Ken Ham Many of the nation’s leading creationist Christian colleges and universities are gathering at the Creation Museum here in Petersburg, Kentucky (near the Cincinnati Airport), for our annual College Expo. This exciting event, happening November 3 and 4, 2017, allows you and your high school student to visit one-on-one with representatives from a variety of Christian institutions across America—and all of these schools hold to biblical authority, taking a stand on a straightforward reading of Genesis (e.g., six days, a young earth, and so on)! To accommodate man’s fallible ideas regarding the origin of life and the universe, [More]
Carbonated soda pop provides more added sugar in a typical 2-year-old toddler’s diet than cookies, candies and ice cream combined. The good news is that soda consumption in the United States fell to a 31-year low in 2016, new figures reveal. …read more Source: Prevent Disease     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola To help commemorate 20 years of offering the most up-to-date health information we can, here are 20 tips to help you on your journey. The topics are all-encompassing, so while you may not be able to do all of them right now, beginning with a few will improve your overall health, as well as your sense of well-being. What to Do More of or Get More of to Optimize Your Health 1. Get eight hours of sleep every night. You’ve heard it since you were a kid but that eight hours of shut-eye is [More]
Why didn’t God reveal himself to all of creation as opposed to just Abraham and his descendants? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. Serge Gregoire All over the world, night after night, millions of people are riveted to their TV sets – but not to watch the latest soap, o CSI. Not to watch Jay Leno or Sex in the City. Not to see who outwits, outlasts and outplays others in Survivor. No – they are spellbound by the efforts of a small band of obese people trying to overcome the effects of years of overeating. It’s not surprising that for so many people this is compulsive viewing. Obesity is the new epidemic. Fat children lumber around school playgrounds while their [More]
By Tracey Watson (Natural News) We are all immensely grateful …read more Source: Natural News     
By Karin Viet The gecko is designed to climb. Scientists had to magnify the gecko’s foot thousands of times to find out its secret to defying gravity. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Creation Moments Have you ever tried to get a bottle in a baby’s mouth in a dark room? It would be handy if the baby had a glowing target on its mouth. God has given the Gouldian finch, a native of Australia, a unique solution to this problem. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org