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Climate change heats up the headlines. But is the earth really getting warmer? More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Admin – Orissa by Paul Fassa Health Impact News According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 25 percent of commercial infant formulas are soy based. (Source) In an August 2017 article in the online publication Undark, publisher Deborah Blum brought up the soy formula for infants controversy by interviewing Dr. Jack Taylor, M.D., Ph.D., who is heading research on the effects of soy on infants …read more Source: Health Impact News     
New Aliens documentary refuting alien life and explaining alien abduction claims. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Frances Bloomfield (Natural News) The effects of poor nutrition …read more Source: Natural News     
By Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson BioLogos has engaged in systematic scientific error on one of their “evidences” for evolution, and they have misrepresented the arguments for several years. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Paul Fassa Source: Study: Purple Potatoes Help Prevent Colon Cancer For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA Colorectal or colon cancer is the number two cancer killer in the country. Of course, this is according to mainstream oncology. Many who have been stricken with colon cancer have survived in healthy fashion using “alternative” therapies. Chris Wark of “Chris Beat Cancer” is a visible example. He encourages others who beat […] Source: Study: Purple Potatoes Help Prevent Colon Cancer Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By Russel Davis (Natural News) Health experts have recently identified …read more Source: Natural News     
By Hesh Goldstein Everywhere you look, everywhere you read, there are countless advertisements for internal health improvements. To fix your bloating or your irritable bowel syndrome or your constipation, or your heartburn or your acid reflux or the countless other problems with you gut and your digestive system, take Mylanta or Maalox or Reglan, or Nexium, or Omeprazole, or tons of other names you can’t really pronounce. And don’t worry if those “cure-alls” create rashes or hives or itching or difficulty breathing, or loss of appetite or muscle weakness or swelling of the mouth, lips, face and tongue or nausea [More]
By Creation Moments What determines the sort of smells that we like and dislike? Is it nature or nurture? Do we like the smells of the environment, in which we were brought up, or are our likes and dislikes inherited from previous generations? read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By The Yardener Source: How to Build a Greenhouse for $150 For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. A portable and inexpensive greenhouse can be built in a matter of hours with the right tools and a little elbow grease. You can learn how to build one in this video Source: How to Build a Greenhouse for $150 Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
Around the world, hailed by the global elite, a symbol of a false god is rising. It has risen in London and New York City, the latter only a few steps away from Ground Zero. It was placed outside a global summit in Dubai. Most recently, it was even constructed for the G7 Summit in Florence,…
“W. Europe in general is in a post Christian era. The churches for the most part are spiritually dead so the spiritual vacuum will be filled by other things i.e. atheism, agnosticism, false religions and so on. I don’t see this trend reversing any time soon.”  Admin The mosque invasion of churches in France has been going on for decades, but with the recent election of pro-Islam French President Emmanuel Macron and the attitude of entitlement of new Muslim immigrants, the tide is surging like never before. “Many Muslim immigrants express a sentiment of entitlement, believing they – one day [More]
By Ken Ham Strap on your running shoes, grab a water bottle, and hit the scenic roads around the Creation Museum for our ninth annual Raptor Run 5K. This family-friendly event takes place October 14, 2017, on closed streets, starting and ending at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky. Whether you run, jog, or just walk, Raptor Run is a great way to get out with family, friends, or a group, enjoy God’s creation, and support the Creation Museum. This run features male and female categories and seven age categories from 14 and under to 60 and over, so …read [More]
By samanthaolivier Teeth grinding is one of the most common issues people face these days, and even though it can happen when under stress or while concentrating on something, the fact is that it most frequently occurs during the night. If you’re a teeth grinder, or if you want to know more about this habit, just stay with us and keep on reading. Here are some possible explanations and tips on how to successfully deal with this issue. Why people grind their teeth during the night? Teeth grinding and jaw clenching, which is also called bruxism, are most often related [More]
By Dr Lauren Deville, NMD Many of my patients come to me with chronic hair loss. They’ve been to dermatologists, and are told there’s nothing wrong. All the lab markers look perfect. They’ve tried biotin, the classic hair loss supplement, and a number of other products marketed to regrow hair—to no avail. “But clearly something’s wrong!” they tell me. Some say they used to have a thick, full head of hair and now they’re down to half, or sometimes even a quarter of what they used to have. Others say their significant others comment on how much hair they shed [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Many people drink water straight from their tap, assuming it to be safe. Unfortunately, just because it’s clear and tastes normal does not mean it’s pure. Far from it, research conducted by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) revealed hundreds of contaminants coming out of the average U.S. faucet, many at levels above what may cause health risks but below the threshold of legal action. While the Safe Drinking Water Act was put into place in 1974 to presumably keep Americans’ tap water safe, not one chemical has been added to the list of regulated [More]
Solar eclipses are astonishing sights. These astronomical events—and even the sun itself—reveal a lot about creation and our Creator. When will the next solar eclipse occur? And how can we view it safely? Tune in to this special episode of Science, Scripture, & Salvation with Dr. Jake Hebert to learn about biblical creation and tips for observing the upcoming solar eclipse. More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) New research has shown that smaller doses of blood pressure medicine can be just as effective as current recommended doses, and with fewer side effects. This means millions of people could be taking too much of these drugs and suffering unwanted side effects. Doses as small as half the standard prescribed amount were found to be just as effective as a full dose, and without the common side effects. Researchers also found one-fourth the dose from two different hypertension medications to be just as effective as …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Heather Callaghan By Organic and Healthy Magnesium is an important mineral that must be in the body, as you can die without it. It is a good weapon against illness, however, many Americans are deficient in magnesium… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Ken Ham When you think of idyllic places to live, the dusty surface of Mars probably doesn’t come to mind. Over the years, some scientists have discussed the possibility of colonizing this planet. The Red Planet, while beautiful in its own way, certainly doesn’t have a welcome mat out, inviting life to come and thrive. Well, according to a new study, the surface of Mars is even more uninhabitable than previously thought. Perchlorates, salt minerals found on the surface of Mars, kill bacterial life within minutes. These compounds are stable at room temperature and were thought to become active [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola About 29 percent of American adults suffer from high blood pressure, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),1 and it ranks as the second greatest public health threat. Of the one-third of adults who have high blood pressure, only half have the condition under control, even with medication.2 Your blood pressure is the force needed to push blood through your arteries coming from your heart to deliver oxygen rich blood around your body. When your blood pressure is measured, you get a high value (systolic) and a low …read more [More]
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) Diabetes has now reached epidemic proportions in the United States. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that over 30 million people across the nation currently have the disease, with over 1.7 million new cases diagnosed yearly. Plus, an astounding 84 million people aged 20 and over have prediabetes – blood sugar higher than normal that hasn’t yet reached the threshold for clinical diabetes. The Western medicine approach to treating diabetes typically involves a barrage of prescription medications, along with a recommendation …read more Source: Natural Health 365     
By Seth Pollard A report in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives reveals that prenatal exposure to flame retardants may lead to lower IQ test scores in children. Further, the more of the chemicals a pregnant woman is exposed to, the more likely she is to give birth to a child with lower intelligence. [1] In the meta-analysis, researchers calculated that every tenfold increase in exposure to flame retardants called polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) was associated with a 3.7 point decline in kids’ IQ test scores. Based on that calculation, PBDEs are even more detrimental to fetuses than lead – every [More]
By Creation Moments Deep inside an ant colony, perhaps in a decaying log in northern Idaho or even the north woods of Minnesota, there are ants who only think they are taking care of their pupae. In addition to attending to their young, however, they are providing a dangerous ant predator with food and protection as it matures. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By REALdeal Source: Simple Fix For Vertigo For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. A doctor from the University of Colorado Hospital is becoming a YouTube sensation after revealing a simple maneuver that can relieve vertigo from the comfort of your home. “Tip your head up to look at the ceiling.” Next, put your head upside down as if you are about to do a somersault. “In that position, I want you to […] Source: Simple Fix For Vertigo Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
A woman of faith saw her salvation as a far better reward than any of her gold medals. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Julie Fidler Eggs contaminated with a potentially harmful insecticide were imported from Europe and have been distributed throughout the United Kingdom and other countries, according to England’s Food Standards Agency (FSA). [1] The number of eggs containing the insecticide fipronil, used in flea and tick products, is thought to be very small, thank goodness, but grocers in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, and Switzerland have had to pull millions of eggs from store shelves as a precaution. It is believed that fipronil was used on chickens in Belgium. The FSA claims the risk to human health is extremely low. [More]