15 Reasons Kombucha Is Called Ancient “Immortal Health Elixir”

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By Alijuina Herw

Kombucha is a fermented tea that is naturally carbonated. Research shows that foods that are fermented are very good for you. It has a 2,000-year history as a cancer fighter and immune booster and Chinese even called it “the Immortal Health Elixir.” Kombucha contains b-vitamins, enzymes, probiotics and a high concentration of acid such as acetic, gluconic, and lactic.

15 Health Benefits of kombucha Elixir


Kombucha has probiotics and enzymes that promote detoxification. One of the main jobs of the good bacteria in your gut is to detoxify. By adding more beneficial bacteria to your gut, you’re getting the job done faster.


Kombucha …read more

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