10 Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency (And best food sources of Vitamin B12)

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By Twain Yobra

Vitamin B12 is crucial for the brain, nerves, DNA and blood cells. Unfortunately, it becomes harder and harder for our bodies to absorb vitamin B12 as we age. In fact, 4 in every 100 women between age 40 and 60 have vitamin B12 deficiency. But age isn’t the only contributing factor – avoiding certain foods is what’s making you vitamin B12 deficient.

Here are signs of vitamin B12 deficiency and the foods you should eat to combat them.

Signs of vitamin B12 Deficiency

  1. Being sleepy all the time despite getting adequate sleep at night
  2. Strange sensations in the body – pins and needles …read more

    Read more here: blogs.naturalnews.com


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