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  Christian News from around the US updated daily Alternative News Feeds Most Current 15 Stories listed for these sites in the order listed Feeds courtesy of faithwire.com  christianpost.com,   christianheadlines.com worthynews.com  Please note that we do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in every news story. Admin    
Abraham Ulrikab—the ‘zoo exhibit’ who could write by Shaun Doyle Creation readers may recall the story of Ota Benga—the pygmy taken from his home in Africa in 1904 and showcased in a US zoo as an example of an evolutionarily ‘primitive’ race.1 His story was not unique; from about 1870 to 1940, “travelling exhibits of non-European natives were recurring features of zoological gardens where they eclipsed the drawing power of the more usual animal exhibits.”2 Abraham Ulrikab was an Inuit (formerly called ‘Eskimo’) whom Moravian missionaries in Hebron, Labrador (Canada), counted among their converts. He and several of his fellow [More]
The technical book for those with a scientific background, Radioisotopes & the Age of the Earth Vol 1, mentioned around the 22:00 mark can be found here: usstore.creation.com Or you can download free PDFs of Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, Volume I www.icr.org Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, Volume II www.icr.org For those not so technical, Thousand Not Billions can be found here: usstore.creation.com Also see this article by Dr. Humphreys on evidence for a young world www.answersingenesis.org Biography Dr Humphreys was awarded his Ph.D. in physics from Louisiana State University in 1972, by which time [More]
Also see this article by Dr. Humphreys on evidence for a young world www.answersingenesis.org View part 2 here: www.youtube.com Biography Dr Humphreys was awarded his Ph.D. in physics from Louisiana State University in 1972, by which time he was a fully convinced creationist. For the next 6 years he worked in the High Voltage Laboratory of General Electric Company, designing and inventing equipment and researching high-voltage phenomena. While there, he received a US patent and one of Industrial Research Magazine’s IR-100 awards. Beginning in 1979 he worked for Sandia National Laboratories (New Mexico) in nuclear physics, geophysics, pulsed-power research, and [More]
  Published on Aug 21, 2015 Seminar by Spike Psarris Apologetics Symposium Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA May 21, 2015 Description: Did God create the Universe, as the Bible says? Or did the Universe form itself in a Big Bang event, as secular astronomers claim? A close look at the scientific literature reveals a surprising truth: the best secular models predict that most of the things we see in space, including stars, galaxies, and the planets of our Solar System, cannot have formed by themselves. In effect, the models say the heavenly bodies cannot exist. Thus, these models fail to [More]
This presentation goes through each planet in our Solar System (and a few of their moons), and shows how each one discredits evolutionary theories in a different way. Includes about 100 beautiful photos taken from various space probes and the Hubble Space Telescope. ——————————————————————————– This seminar was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference, Aug 10-12, 2006 at Overlake Christian Church, Redmond WA. They may be viewed free online or downloaded to your computer. Individual DVDs may also be purchased on our webstore individually or the entire conference may be purchased as a compilation of 8 disks. The Seattle Creation Conference [More]
Many of the principles the US government was founded upon were based on the Bible & many of our founding fathers were Christians. What happens when those foundations are torn away as they are today? Presented by Russ Miller of Creation, Evolution, & Science Ministries – www.creationministries.org “give away our life changing CESM DVD’S to as many people as they desire, encouraging them to make copies to give away as well. Such efforts will be part of the great harvest. God bless. Russ” – www.creationministries.org Also see www.arrivalofthefittest.com